  • The Brave Warrior Project



$500 goal



Hi! Welcome to team HappE! We are glad you are here and grateful for your support!
This is our third or fourth year creating a team to help raise funds for BWP which has been not only a blessing to our warrior but our entire family. This is one way each year we can give back to an organization that continues to help us.

Why are we called Team HappE? Well, Elam is out Brave Warrior and this has always been his nickname! Through the hard times Elam has shown his friends, family and medical staff how you can be happy and find joy in the small things in life no matter what we face!
Elam is five years old and is diagnosed with Autism and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is a severe form of epilepsy with seizures that begin in early childhood, usually between the ages of 2 and 5, and continue into adulthood. Elam has multiple different types of seizures and can have many per day. He uses rescue medications 1-3x a week. There is no cure for LGS and the medicine he takes won't stop the seizures they only reduce them enough so Elam can have a comfortable life.

There are multiple programs the brave warrior project has personally helped our family with over the years such as parent chats, Christmas gifts, sibshops, educational resources, respite, swim classes, warrior boxes, and much more.

Would you please consider helping us reach our goal of $500?

Be the first to contribute.




Hi! Welcome to team HappE! We are glad you are here and grateful for your support!
This is our third or fourth year creating a team to help raise funds for BWP which has been not only a blessing to our warrior but our entire family. This is one way each year we can give back to an organization that continues to help us.

Why are we called Team HappE? Well, Elam is out Brave Warrior and this has always been his nickname! Through the hard times Elam has shown his friends, family and medical staff how you can be happy and find joy in the small things in life no matter what we face!
Elam is five years old and is diagnosed with Autism and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is a severe form of epilepsy with seizures that begin in early childhood, usually between the ages of 2 and 5, and continue into adulthood. Elam has multiple different types of seizures and can have many per day. He uses rescue medications 1-3x a week. There is no cure for LGS and the medicine he takes won't stop the seizures they only reduce them enough so Elam can have a comfortable life.

There are multiple programs the brave warrior project has personally helped our family with over the years such as parent chats, Christmas gifts, sibshops, educational resources, respite, swim classes, warrior boxes, and much more.

Would you please consider helping us reach our goal of $500?

Be the first to contribute.


$500 goal



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